I was inspired by this amazing book, Creative Abstract Watercolor by Kate Rebecca Leach. It really is a fun and inspiring abstract method! I chose a few coordinating colors and used my watercolor art journal. I wet the paper with plain water in larges stripes, then dropped in color. Let some of the colors bleed into eachother to create connections.
- This design at Spoonflower
- Watercolor art journal
- Creative Abstract Watercolor Book
- Watercolors
- Micron pens
- White gel pen
- Winsor & Newton gold
I dropped in a second layer to make the colors more bold.
When that dries, I added details with a white gel pen and black Micron. I also added some Winsor & Newton gold! I then used this design to create wallpaper and fabric at Spoonflower!
Here is my latest Spoonflower entry for the Accent Wall challenge! Vote here!
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